Episode 1

Mini Course Introduction

Published on: 1st January, 2023

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Welcome to your first assessment. As entrepreneurs, we're juggling so many responsibilities that more often than not, we forget to do the simple check-ins on ourselves to make sure that we're satisfied and operating at our highest potential. The goal of the entrepreneurial hierarchy of needs assessment, EHON for short, is the most detailed way to take a quick but very valuable inventory on how we're operating on our personal levels so our business operations never suffer. Unfortunately, most of us are still running the same old hustle until we drop mindset, but I can tell you from experience that is the fastest way to the bottom. Having built many six and seven figure businesses in the past, I've seen how not paying attention to our basic needs can crash our motivation, slow our progress to a stop, and leave us feeling without direction because we are blinded by burnout.

But you are here to fix that and protect yourself from ever having to suffer through that again. The five categories that make up the entrepreneurial hierarchy of needs are our health, our wealth, our relationships, our recreation, and of course our businesses. These five categories are what we need to manage and maintain high levels of satisfaction with. This ensures that we will be operating with clear minds, so we are able to approach our business with focus and without distractions.

Each category is made up of questions that you will be able to rank from one to 10. If you feel that question doesn't pertain to you, just skip it and move on to the next one. When selecting your satisfaction ranking, it is important to take two things into consideration. First, let's talk about how each question is scored. The lowest rank is considered dissatisfied. That would be a score range from one to four. The middle ranking is considered moderately satisfied, ,and that would be a score range from five to seven the highest rank is considered very satisfied and that would be a score from eight to 10 as you're pushing your boundaries, don't be surprised if your score drops a little.

This is probably a sign of you reaching for higher goals and you're now finding yourself with a little bit more work to do to bring your score back up to where it was. Each score is not a measurement of effort. It is a measurement of where you are in relationship to your goals. The idea behind this assessment is not to make it to 10 and stop. It is to get all of our levels as high as possible until the next time you take it. We're going to be redefining our satisfaction every time we take it. After the questions are answered in each category, take the time to average all of your scores in that category to create your ranking. If you left any blank, then don't apply them and just skip. Do not include them in your average. After you've repeated this step for each category, then take the five answers that you've come up with and create one final average giving yourself the overall satisfaction level for the assessment.

The second thing to consider is that this assessment should be taken at least every 12 weeks. By dedicating yourself to tracking your satisfaction level every 12 weeks, you are now able to see the direction of your progress. This allows you to become truly objective to your levels of satisfaction in life, guaranteeing that you are never guessing and never moving backwards. I'm so excited for you and our upcoming experience together, but remember, this is not a race. This is about peeling back the layers and taking inventory so we can move forward in making calculated decisions every step of the way. Congratulations, and I will see you in the next video.

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About the Podcast

Mini Course - The Entrepreneurs Hierarchy of Needs
EHON Mini Course
Hi, my name is Tim Palladino, and in working with many entrepreneurs, I realized that they're suffering from the idea that their personal life and their success in business have little to do with each other, but nothing could be farther from the truth. And if you're a busy entrepreneur who wants to experience the value of every part of their life, then this is exactly what you're looking for.

I'd like to introduce you to the Entrepreneurial Hierarchy of Needs Assessment. This assessment provides clarity and understanding in the most important aspects of your life and your business. By the end of the assessment, you will have an actionable game plan that will give you the confidence for the next 12 weeks to be the most abundant you've ever experienced.

The Entrepreneurial Hierarchy of Needs Assessment gives you a clear understanding of what is most important of life. So every action is intentional and has the highest value. You're going to be building your business with the same level of passion and focus when you first started it. You're going to be living in amazingly satisfied life and grow your business to new heights at the same time. If you're going to be leveraging your understanding to add more fun into your life and finally have an objective view on who you are and what you desire out of life. And there's going to be so much more and you know what makes this even better? Now, you never have to worry about moving in the wrong direction again.

This also means you're not going to be stuck feeling paralyzed, because you've already mapped out what's most important to you. By taking the time to complete the assessment, you will now have a baseline satisfaction levels to compare against. So you can track your growth every 12 weeks. And best of all, you'll start seeing the results of the Entrepreneurial Hierarchy of Needs in just a single afternoon and it costs less than the price of the last three books you bought.

So again, if you're a busy entrepreneur who wants to receive value in every part of their life, understand this. The rules of how to be efficient and massively productive in your life and in business are changing. You can't risk getting stuck in a state of burnout, killing your progress. This is the clarity you've been looking for. Supercharge your life and how you show up in your business. And the Entrepreneurial Hierarchy of Needs holds the key to your success by approaching every day with a refined sense of purpose. It's time things start getting better. So get started today.

About your host

Profile picture for Tim Palladino

Tim Palladino

Tim Palladino has owned and run many successful businesses since his entrepreneurial journey began as a teen in New York. Through his success, he’s made it a point to give back and serve his community. Tim’s efforts were recognized in 2016 when he was presented with the 40 Under 40 Shaker Award by the Hudson Valley Regional Chamber of Commerce. Now, after a recent 7-figure exit, Tim resides in Austin, TX where he’s combining his love for community and business to create a massive impact as a social entrepreneur.

Tim is also the creator of the “Entrepreneurial Hierarchy of Needs” assessment that allows business owners all over the world to take an objective snapshot of where they rank in the categories of mental and physical health, personal wealth, their relationships, recreation, and their business.

Tim now owns a podcast production company called Popcast Studio that works with business owners to create and manage podcasts to drive leads to their business.